The first phase of Reinventing Cities has successfully closed with the selection of the finalist projects for the city of Milan. 27 projects (out of 61 proposed last november) have been selected for the urban and environmental regeneration of six areas of the city. Avalon has taken part in the competition by supporting DeA Capital Real Estate SGR, the project manager, as Technical Advisor for the development of two project which have both been selected. B Switch for the Bovisa area and ExMA for the Ex Macello area move on the second stage of the international tender.
Reinventing Cities seeks to unlock underutilized spaces in cities through resilient, zero-carbon urban regeneration project in many cities of the world simultaneously. Milan is taking part in the tender lauched by the Municipality and C40 along with Madrid, Roma, Chicago, Dubai, Montreal, Singapore, Cape Town e Reykjavik.
The first edition’s winning projects for the city of Milan were the spa theater inside the historic building of the Scuderie de Montel, the green building for oncological research Vitae in via Serio, the innovative hostel Coinventing Doria, which also hosts wide spaces for public functions in viale Doria and the first Italian zero-emissions social housing district in the Scalo Greco Pirelli area. These projects, now under construction, contribute to the urban development of a city which looks forward a resilient, inclusive and economically sustainable future.
The projects selected in the first phase of this second edition propose ideas for the transformation of the areas of piazzale Loreto, via Civitavecchia, Ex Macello, Lambrate rail yard, Bovisa, and the Liberty buildings. Representatives of Milan’s Municipality and C40, including international experts of urban planning and architecture, local environmental experst and economic experts have selected the most innovative projects for each area.
Among these, B Switch plans the requalification of the Bovisa area and ExMA plans the requalification of Ex Macello area.
The finalist teams now have to work out their proposals into more detail providing clear and reliable economic. The winners will be selected during the first trimester of 2021.