The outcome of the appraisal will be crucial for the future of the plant and its upgrading
Avalon has carried out the valuation of the Arena Garibaldi – Romeo Anconetani Stadium in Pisa as real estate advisor. On Thursday, 12 December, a press conference was held to announce the conclusion and outcome of the valuation. On Thursday 12 December a press conference was held to announce the conclusion and outcome of the valuation.
‘Today we are adding another important piece of the overall picture regarding our city stadium,’ said Mayor Michele Conti. ‘Over the last few months we have been working on two parallel fronts: on the one hand, with the appointment of the advisor, whom I thank for his work, together with the municipal offices involved, allowing us to have the papers in order on time; on the other, continuing with the extraordinary maintenance work preparatory to the increase in capacity at the stadium.’
The outcome of the appraisal, which was carried out in the 45 days following the assignment, will be crucial for the future of the facility and its potential valorisation. The valuation assesses the value of the property both for the potential sale of the sports facility and the concession of the surface right, and for the possible rent for a multi-year concession.
In recent years, the Pisa stadium has already undergone several maintenance works. The last season saw the reopening of the ‘curvino’, an intervention that led to the recovery of 500 seats. The Municipality has also recently started the extension works of the north curve, which will lead to the increase of 600 additional seats thanks to the allocation of 800 thousand euro.